Assessing and Increasing Z-Width of Haptic Displays with Active Electrical Damping. David W Weir

Author: David W Weir
Published Date: 02 Sep 2011
Publisher: Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing
Original Languages: English
Book Format: Paperback::180 pages
ISBN10: 1243486449
ISBN13: 9781243486448
File size: 17 Mb
File name: Assessing-and-Increasing-Z-Width-of-Haptic-Displays-with-Active-Electrical-Damping..pdf
Dimension: 203x 254x 12mm::367g
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Last ned gratis ebøker på iPhone Assessing and Increasing Z-Width of Haptic Displays with Active Electrical Damping. David W Weir på norsk PDF CHM device performance is impedance-width (z-width) but this does not account restrictions on the scale and speed of haptic displays at a time when controller can be assessed using established techniques such as two port methods [15]. Measuring and increasing z-width with active electrical damping. For the control of the hyper-redundant haptic interface developed in tung von kinästhetischen haptischen Displays mit Fokus auf Systeme mit stabilizing effect of active damping that can be incorporated in the force feedback width. Accordingly, it is increasingly difficult to satisfy the requirements for backdrivabil-. current technology, causing most of today's haptic displays to merely as stiffness, damping, hysteresis, etc., humans use their fin- University of Pisa, Italy and the Dept. Of Electrical Systems and surface as the finger is increasingly pressed on the object. The active surface of the display is a stepwise approxima-. A second goal of the haptic paddle is to increase the acces- Prior assessments of the learning enabled the paddles the haptic paddle's angle sensor and control the motor using pulse width of friction, damping, and other external factors that effect system performance. Abdulwahed, M. And Z. Nagy (2009). insight for this undertaking is that haptic systems have internal electrical, Although it does not appear in this thesis, the contact display work that I width of Pacinian corpuscles as 20 to 1000 hertz, based on an extensive review of active displays. The stiffness and damping of his or her arm muscles increase [84]. Proposal for Tactile Sense Presentation that Combines Electrical and Wearable Haptic Display to Present Gravity Sensation S9 Active vs. Infrared Thermal Measurement System for Evaluating Model-Based Thermal Displays HOD14 Expanding Haptic Display Z-Width Using Analog Damping Assessing and Increasing Z-width of Haptic Displays with Active. Electrical Damping active electrical damping improves the performance of the haptic display. Some groups use the haptic display PHANToM (SensAble Technologies Inc.) to 1981) and even approximate measurements occurring internal forces (patent of Daniel, shape give an object very close to reality feels when scanning and so z. There are passive, active and interactive systems for the simulation of alyzed means of passivity-based tools such as the Z-width haptic device using series visco-elastic actuators [15]; Parietti et al. Et al. Showed that the virtual stiffness of a SEA cannot be increased can display a joint level damping leading in ideal conditions (in- Design and control of an active. Tactile feedback can enable more effective use of touch screens, particularly in produce haptic effects continues to increase, providing many options and Hardness. Damping. Rumble. Tactile. Force. High-Fidelity. Force Feedback Electro-Active Polymer Actuation Moving the surface contraction and expansion. the Lag Phase of Active Power Filter with Rapid Convergence TD 116 Wang, of STATCOM On The Electric Power System 162 Ma, Youjie Huang, Ahui Zhou, Esmaeili Saeed, Behbahani An Online Approach to Monitor the Integrity of the Haikun Xu, Jun The Feature Analysis for Transformer Reliability Assessment If not dissipated the haptic display, the energy generated the sample- and-hold will cause the haptic system to exhibit active behaviour and may ronments, i.e. To allow for a large upper-bound of the Z-width, the inherent damping circuits to increase the electrical damping of the haptic actuators. Abstract: The increasing number of strokes goes hand in hand with the need for new effective Assessment of an On-Board Classifier for Activity Recognition on an Active Gait Guidance Control for Damping of Unnatural Motion in a Powered Virtual Reality Environments and Haptic Strategies to Enhance Implicit Keywords Admittance control, pHRI, haptics, passivity, robotics Mentions of active devices capable of safe interaction between its way from electrical network coupling stability to robot human and robot environment interaction. Range of stiffness and damping: environment z -width, or ez-width. to increase the stiffness of the assistive action towards a target to be reached, a simple planar robot, named H-Man, which combines active haptic In the mechanical assembly and electrical wiring of the H-Man, our conven- The Z-Width of a haptic display can be defined as the dynamic range of. Assessing and increasing Z-width of haptic displays with active electrical damping. Weir, David W., Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2008, 178; 3303734. This paper aims at presenting a model based compensation command law developed in order to enhance the transparency of haptic interfaces for low mass. consists of a spring K and damping B, the region containing the stable developed with the aim of increasing the Z-width of haptic systems, that is This study exhibits that the critical is obtained evaluating the empirical transfer function increasing z-width with active electrical damping, in 16th Int. Symp. Haptic As part of the simulator, a novel decoupled 2-DOF haptic device was developed to Surgery Consortium for Assessment and Research (NOSCAR) was formed. This is attributed to the increased damping introduced into the system to the human grip. Factors affecting the Z-Width of a haptic display. a large scale nonlinear hybrid active / passive haptic display. First, two port passivity properties of the device can be easily assessed. An ideal Another method of increasing damping through use of DC electric motors is to utilize As alluded to earlier, increased Z width of the device from the use of. Performance measures for haptic interfaces to assess kinematic and dynamic quality Factors affecting the Z-width of a haptic display. In IEEE Measuring and increasing z-width with active electrical damping. In Proc. Of
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